TLC Virtual Resiliency

Eric Adams Believes Emotional Intelligence Is Required

Mayor Elect of New York City, Eric Adams, recently cited a candidate’s emotional intelligence as being of primary importance in choosing leaders within his administration. Emotional intelligence is tied to one’s ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. A recent article in the Washington Post reported that we are in a national crisis … Read more

How Mindfulness Can Transform Your Life

Stemming from Buddhism, mindfulness is a relatively new concept in the Western world. It began to gain influence in psychology and medicine in the 1970’s and has since taken off in the world of positive psychology.  Awareness and Acceptance in Mindfulness Jon Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as the “awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, … Read more

Leave your s*** at the door

The workforce in our world is changing, and has been ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. With these changes, employers and employees may have to develop an open mind when it comes to expectations at work, especially if continuing remote work.  One thing has not changed, which is that we want productive work … Read more

Lawyer Well-Being Matters

It has long been known that while the practice of law has many benefits, lawyers are more vulnerable to stress, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse than nearly any other profession.  Lawyers are also often help-resistant and have difficulty admitting vulnerability as they are the ones that are supposed to provide help and answers. Recently, the … Read more

Why It Pays to be Grateful

Why It Pays to be Grateful “Be grateful for what you have!” I’m sure we’ve all heard this countless times from others, but it’s hard to do when things are going wrong or not the way you planned. Despite the overused verbiage, there has to be some truth behind gratitude, right? Right! The practice of … Read more

COVID-19 Resiliency

TLC-VR Webinar: A Resilient Return to the Classroom

Are we more resilient than we think?  Back in the spring of 2020, experts warned to prepare for an inevitable mental health crisis that was coming as a result of the pandemic. No age group was immune to the psychological risks that were at hand, as many articles pointed out the different disruptions to daily … Read more

TLC- Virtual Resiliency Hosts “A Resilient Return to School” Virtual Webinar

TLC-VR Webinar: A Resilient Return to the Classroom

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  January 11th, 2022 Greg Lavine  516.639.8437  TLC- Virtual Resiliency Hosts “A Resilient Return to School” Virtual Webinar A conversation with educators returning to the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond Virtual TLC-Virtual Resiliency will be hosting a virtual webinar “A Resilient Return to the Classroom”, on Thursday January 13th, 2022. … Read more

Celebrating National Say Something Nice Day!

June 1st was National Say Something Nice Day. If you are unaware of the history, you may be wondering why this is a day worthy of national recognition. The truth is, there is scientific evidence that suggests being kind to others can increase our own wellbeing.  Can kindness really increase happiness? Researchers all over the … Read more