When Covid-19 first hit in March, we were certainly not prepared for it. What started off as a two-week closure of schools and businesses turned into months of anxiety and fear of the unknown. Experts have been warning us of the potential of a second wave for months, and just as life is starting to go back to normal, it appears that the second wave is coming our way. While it is frustrating to face closures again, we are now better equipped to handle the stressors that a pandemic brings.
What we know now:
For starters, we now know so much more about Covid-19 than we did back in March. We now know of three methods that are effective and simple: wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, and social distance. Masks are definitely annoying to wear, but the latest guidance from the CDC suggests that wearing a mask protects you and others from spreading and catching the virus. Social distancing is also frustrating– we are social beings that crave connection. With the colder weather forcing us indoors, we need to start getting creative again with social interactions. What worked and didn’t work for you in the beginning of the pandemic? Do more of the things that worked (e.g., Zoom happy hours) and less of the things that negatively impacted your mood (e.g., endlessly scrolling through social media).
Keeping Healthy:
It is also important to keep up with healthy routines. If you normally exercise regularly and eat healthy, try your best to maintain those practices. And if you don’t typically exercise or eat healthy, now is the perfect time to start. Right now, gyms are still open, but that can change with short notice, so try to invest in weights and a workout/yoga mat. Youtube has thousands of workout and yoga videos that suit any fitness level, so you can give those a try. Even if it is not your favorite, some movement is better than none!
Focus on Fun Activities
Life in lockdown can be monotonous, so try to plan activities for each week. If you have kids, have a family movie night, build a fort, or bake or cook something together. For the adults, try something new like testing out food and drink recipes, painting, and DIY home projects. If binging TV shows and movies hurt your mental health in the beginning of the pandemic, try something different during the second wave.
We survived one prolonged quarantine, so we can certainly get through another. Luckily, we are closer to a vaccine and know more about how to properly protect ourselves. TLC-VR is also here to help you get through the second wave. Our staff is available to provide you with resources and tools to help you get through these trying times. Contact us today to learn more about the services we provide to individuals and companies!