Welcome Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to
TLC Virtual Resiliency: Virtual Support to Help You Survive and Thrive!
Please Complete your Resiliency Assessment Survey here!
TLC-VR conducts regular surveys to track your group’s progress on mental health resiliency, and to improve and tailor the workshops and content to your group’s specific needs. To ensure confidentiality, your responses are completely anonymous and will only ever be analyzed on a group level.
TLC Virtual Resiliency (TLC-VR) is proud to provide you with a group-based, virtual, custom wellness and resiliency-building program designed to empower you to better respond and adapt to adversity, anxiety, and everyday stresses you encounter in both your personal and professional lives.
Your TLC-VR virtual curriculum is delivered through Live, Interactive, Group Video Conferencing Workshops.
Your workshops are held:
May 31st, 4:00-5:00pm: Intro to TLC-VR and the 7 C’s of Resiliency (Completed)
June 7th, 4:00-5:00pm: Stress and Anxiety Management (Completed) (You can access the full session recording here! The session starts at 1:20 and the password to watch is Mind-Body1! (the exclamation point is included).
June 14th, 4:00-5:00pm: Relationships and Communication
June 21st, 4:00-5:00pm: Positive Thinking

Between weekly workshops, support one another and receive daily resources specific to your group in your private Facebook Group.
MTA’s Virtual Assistant Concierge is available to answer questions and provide you with Weekly Videos and Resources, all of which are continuously updated to address the specific needs of your group.
Dr. Paul Meller is a licensed psychologist with over thirty-years of experience. He is a leading voice nationally in the promotion of wellness and psychological well-being. Dr. Meller has worked with children, families, public agencies, Courts, community-based organizations, Head Start Programs, and over 150 school-districts in promoting wellness and building resiliency. He has developed numerous prevention and training programs with the goal of promoting wellness, building resiliency, and decreasing conflict.
Dr. Meller is an associate professor of Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Law at Hofstra University. He is the Director of the Doctoral Training Program in School-Community, Psychology. Dr. Meller also serves as the Director of the Institute for Family Forensic Psychology, and the Director of Mediation at the Hofstra University School of Law – Center for Children, Families, and the Law. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, a Master of Arts in developmental psychology from Columbia University, and a Doctorate in school psychology from Syracuse University. Dr. Meller plays leadership roles and/or has been a founding member of a number of professional organizations.
In his spare time Dr. Meller enjoys working-out, practicing yoga, and playing guitar. He
can be seen riding his motorcycle around his hometown twelve months a year.
Meet Your Workshop Facilitator:
Dr. Pentcheva is a NYS licensed psychologist and a NYS and nationally certified school psychologist. Although her doctoral training focused primarily on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the treatment of mental health disorders, she was drawn to the field of positive psychology – particularly mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies, leading her to obtain extensive further training in this area. Dr. Pentcheva recognizes the critical impact that nutrition and lifestyle have on wellbeing and as a lifelong learner continues to gain further training in order to help guide her clients towards optimal wellness. She is currently enrolled in the Institute for Functional Medicine Certification Program, The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher Certification through the University of California San Diego Center for Mindfulness and Yoga Shanti’s yoga teacher certification.
Dr. Pentcheva is an avid lover of nature and enjoys spending any free time absorbed in its elements. Her favorite things to do involve gardening, forest bathing, camping, and taking walks along the beach looking for sea treasures with her three daughters.
Meet Your Virtual Assistance Concierge

Casey Ferri
Casey Ferri is here to support you and your colleagues from the MTA on a day-to-day basis throughout the duration of the program. She is willing and able to answer questions, help you find personal resources, and help manage the group interaction and participation.
Casey is a fourth year doctoral student in Hofstra’s School-Community Psychology program. She is passionate about bettering the lives of others and helping them thrive despite challenges and setbacks. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring nature, horseback riding and traveling whenever possible. She looks forward to helping individuals on their journey to resilience with TLC-VR.
Send a message to your VAC:
Your workshops are held from 4:00-5:00pm on the following dates:
May 31, 2021: Introduction to TLC-VR and the 7 C's of Resiliency
June 7, 2021: Stress and Anxiety Management
June 14, 2021: Relationships and Communication
June 21, 2021: Positive Thinking
Workshops are for all employees of the MTA and are highly interactive. To get the most benefit, please join the session right on time every week, and be prepared to participate and practice!
Join the Discussion in the TLC-VR / MTA
Private Facebook Group!

In between weekly workshops, discuss the week’s topics and support one another in our private Facebook Group/Virtual Lounge and Community Forum. Your Virtual Assistant Concierge is available to answer questions and provide you with daily resources, all of which is continuously designed and updated to address the specific needs of our group.
What is Active Constructive Responding? by Juliette Tocino-Smith
Is There a Better Way to Have an Argument? by Caroline Hopper & Laura Tavares
Want to Pay Someone a Life-Changing Compliment? Start With These 6 Words by Bill Murphy Jr.
How to Set Healthy Boundaries: 10 Examples + PDF Worksheets by Joaquín Selva
How to Make a Good Apology Jane Park
Donkeys, Carrots, & Sticks by Dr. Russ Harris
4 Ways to Build Your Social Intelligence by Ryan M. Niemiec Psy.D.
Resolve Conflict at Work (Greater Good in Action) by Greater Good
Making an Effective Apology (Greater Good in Action) by Greater Good
How to Respond to Passive-Aggressive Behavior by Tina Gilbertson
How To Practice Gratitude In A Not-Cheesy Way Because It Actually Feels Pretty Good by Carolyn de Lorenzo
How to Avoid Compassion Burnout by Patricia Corrigan
Train Your Brain to Be Kinder by Jane Park
Rachel’s Challenge by Darrell Scott
The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) by Stanford Medicine
Articles on Compassion by PositivePsychology .com
Self-Compassion Will Make You a Better Leader by Rich Fernandez and Steph Stern
Community | Greater Good by Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkley
The Expectations Trap by Hara Estroff Marano
Relationships | Greater Good by Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
The Myth of Romantic Expectations by Randi Gunther Ph.D.
Articles on Positive Relationships by Positive Psychology
How to Give Up a Grudge by Scott Barry Kaufman Ph.D.
How to Keep Connecting with Strangers During the Pandemic by Jill Suttie
Avoiding The “Four Horsemen” in Relationships | Practice | GGIA by Greater Good
In A Pandemic, Elbow Touches Might Keep Us Going by Leif Hass
Nurtured By Nature by Kristen Weir
People’s Words and Actions Can Actually Shape Your Brain — A Neuroscientist Explains How by Lisa Feldman Barrett PhD
Life after COVID-19: Making space for growth by American Psychological Association
Three Positive Psychology Practices for Our Troubled Times by David B. Feldman Ph.D.
Supporting Learning and Well-Being During the Coronavirus Crisis by Greater Good In Education
Coronavirus Corner – Helpful Expert Tips and Resources to Manage Anxiety by Anxiety and Depression Association of America
How “COVID fatigue” clouds judgment and endangers public health by Eileen Drage O’Reilly
Supporting Your Mental Health During Coronavirus by All Mental Health
In Pandemic Era’s Isolation, Meaning of ‘Self-Care’ Evolves by Anne D’Innocenzio and Sophia Rosenbaum
Education (Educator & Student Well-Being)
My Well-Being by Greater Good In Education
Articles On Positive Education by Positive Psychology
Student Well-Being by Greater Good In Education
Prosocial Academic Instruction by Greater Good In Education
by Greater Good
Positive School Relationships by Greater Good at Berkeley
Fostering Positive School Relationships by Greater Good at Berkeley
Emotional Intelligence
To Build Emotional Strength, Expand Your Brain by Monika Aichele
Feel Like You’re Going Out of Your Mind? Consider Your Mind-Set by Alina Tugend
Why Emotional Intelligence Is Important At Work (+ free EQ course access) by Gemma Leigh Roberts
6 Negative Mindsets That Increase Your Anxiety by Melanie Greenberg Ph.D.
Willpower by James Clear
The Practice of Saying, “Yes” by Tara Brach Ph.D.
Articles on Motivation and Goals by PositivePsychology .com
Why You Should Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals by Tim Ferriss
Goal Visualization | Practice by Silver Linings Practices
How to Get Better at Achieving Your Goals by Christine Carter Ph.D.
4 Reasons Why Change Is Hard, But Worth It by Jennice Vilhauer Ph.D.
Articles on Gratitude by PositivePsychology .com
Gratitude Meditation: A Simple But Powerful Happiness Intervention by Joaquín Selva
Giving thanks can make you happier by Harvard Heathbeat
How to Build New Habits: This is Your Strategy Guide by James Clear
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
Why is it So Hard to Create Permanent Habits? by Scott H. Young
How to Avoid Slipping Back into Bad Habits by Kira Newman
Trade Bad Habits For Good Ones by Harvard Health
The Powerful Pull of Repeating Old Routines by Alex Korb PhD
What Makes Us Happier Than Money?
by Jane Park
Wisebrain.org: Home by Rick Hanson Ph.D., Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom
Optimism Bias: Human Brain May Be Hardwired for Hope – TIME by Tali Sharot
The #1 Reason Why We Want More And More (And More) by Seph Pennock
Articles on Positive Psychology by Positive Psychology
Articles on Positie Emotions by Positive Psychology
Articles on Happiness and Subjective Well-Being by PositivePsychology
How Dan Harris Became 10% Happier by Dan Harris
75 Inspiring Motivational Quotes for Being Happier by Jeff Haden
Scientific Research Shows Happiness Make Us More Resilient by Karen Guggenheim
Mental Health
9 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Regulation Skills by Sandra Bilbray
Articles on Positive CBT by Positive Psychology
In Pandemic Era’s Isolation, Meaning of ‘Self-Care’ Evolves by Anne D’Innocenzio and Sophia Rosenbaum
Articles on Positive Psychology & Therapies by Positive Psychology
Why Entrepreneurs Need To Talk About Their Mental Health by Dan Murray-Serter
Mindfulness Meditation Videos, Exercises, Books and Courses (+PDF) by Joaquín Selva
Readings For Personal Growth & Happiness
by Eckhart Tolle
Mindfulness Exercises to Use During the Coronavirus Lockdown by Paul Greene Ph.D.
The Importance of Mindfulness: 20+ Reasons to Practice Mindfulness by Jeremy Sutton
How to Clear Your Head by Jane Park
Articles on Mindfulness by PositivePsychology .com
“Allow Life To Be Just As It Is” by Tara Brach Ph.D.
Mind & Body Connection
Eight Ways Your Perception of Reality Is Skewed by Jill Suttie
One Cardio Workout= Two Hours of Supercharged Brainpower by Christopher Bergland
The Ultimate Diet Guide for Stress Management by Kelly Kennedy
Articles on Body & Brain by PositivePsychology.com
Train Your Brain’s Flexibility With These 7 Tips by Susan Krauss Whitbourne
Custom Diets Are Essential to Mental Health by Binghamton University
by Greater Good
Positive Parenting: Strengthening Family Relationships by Kenneth Barrs
Banish the Boogeyman by Jessica Sillers
Post Traumatic Growth
How Getting COVID-19 Forced Me to Re-Examine My Life by Radha Ruparell
Coping with a Traumatic Event by CDC Department of Health and Human Services
The 7 Cs of Resilience – John Dabell
by John Dabell
Five Science-Backed Strategies to Build Resilience by Kira Newman
Developing Resilience – Bounce Back from Setbacks by Mind Tools Content Team
How to beat Loneliness |by Guy Wince
Daily Stoic | Stoic Wisdom For Everyday Life by Daily Stoic
Articles on Resilience & Coping by Positive Psychology
5 Lessons COVID-19 Has Taught Us About Resilience by Molly Povich
What is self-awareness? And how can you cultivate it? by Gabriel Alcala
10 days of Positive Thinking by Ted Talks
Seven Ways to Find Your Purpose in Life by Jill Suttie
Articles on Strengths & Virtues by Positive Psychology
Articles on Meaning and Values by Positive Psychology
8 Ways to Tune in to What Really Matters–YOU! by Janeane Bernstein
Positive Psychology & Culture by Greater Good
How to Keep Technology from Disrupting Your Happiness by Kira Newman
Articles on Media & Tech by Greater Good at Berkeley
How to Use Social Media Wisely and Mindfully by Ravi Chandra
Articles on Politics by Positive Psychology
Articles on Society by Greater Good
How to avoid feeling defeated in today’s crazy world by Time Desmond
How to Help All Students Feel Safe to Be Themselves by Naomi Ondrasek & Lisa Flook
Stress & Anxiety
How To Find Balance During This Stressful Time by Dominique Apollon
How To Harness Your Anxiety by Russ Harris
10 Ways to Overcome Your Inner Bully by Dana Adams
19 Physical Tolls You Didn’t Realize Anxiety Can Take On Your Body by Esther Bell and JR Thorpe
10 Proven Methods for Fixing Cognitive Distortions by John Grohol
8 Tricks Sleep Experts Use When 2020 Anxiety Keeps Them Awake by Seraphina Seow
Workplace Wellness/ Burnout
How the Rule of 150 Impacts Your Company by Iulia-Cristina UȚĂ
How to Build a Culture of Generosity at Work by Wayne Baker
What to Do When Your Employee Is Totally Checked Out by Rebecca Knight
The Upside of Being Interrupted At Work by James Adonis
Three Key Conditions to Create a Healthy Workplace by Bill Morrison
Half Full or Half Empty: Negativity Kills Employee Engagement by Jenna Cyprus
Four Keys To A Healthy Workplace Hierarchy by Lindred Greer
Plan for Resilience – Employee Guide by Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace
Burnout Can Exacerbate Work Stress, Further Promoting A Vicious Circle by Universitaet Mainz
Stanford psychologist tells us how to fight workplace burnout by Nara Schoenberg
How To Avoid Burnout While Working From Home by Margaret O’Malley
Fake commutes: Benefits for mental health and work-life balance by Kristen Rogers
Workplace | Greater Good by Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
How to Support the People You Lead in Times of… by Ellen Von Oosten
10 Creative Ways Organizations Are Supporting The Mental Health Of Remote Employees by Christopher Littlefield
Self- Esteem
Will Power/Change
Compassion/ Inspiration
Social Connections/ Boundaries
Positive Thinking/ Optimism
Tramua/ Mental Health
Unconscious Mind
Beginner’s Mind
Letting Go
Managing Stress and Anxiety
Mind & Body
Positive Psychology
Strength and Grit
TLC-VR Yoga Challenge Videos
Breathing Exercises
Yin Yoga
Yoga Flow
Back in March before the world shut down, we had enough stress on our plates. Combine regular stressors with a pandemic and we have a mental health crisis on our hands. That is exactly what is currently happening– compounding stressors are taking a serious toll on our minds and bodies. In a new report from … Read more
When we think of businesses that are struggling during the pandemic, our minds likely go to restaurants, small businesses, and local shops. What probably didn’t come to mind was medical practices. At a time when doctors and nurses are needed most, it is strange to think that many professionals in the medical field are leaving … Read more
When Covid-19 first hit in March, we were certainly not prepared for it. What started off as a two-week closure of schools and businesses turned into months of anxiety and fear of the unknown. Experts have been warning us of the potential of a second wave for months, and just as life is starting to … Read more